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Become a PRSA Member

Invest in your career with PRSA membership. PRSA Membership is more valuable than ever before. Regardless of your career stage, you can broaden your skill set with access to more than 50 free live and on-demand webinars! Join now and gain access to career-boosting tools, resources and expertise.

With PRSA National membership, you will:

  • Navigate ethics principles and applications with online resources.
  • Increase your influence in the industry by contributing to professional issues, including The Business Case for Public Relations™.
  • Stay on top of emerging public relations trends and industry news.
  • Find answers to your most pressing public relations questions.
  • Meet others, engage with experts and receive professional support.
  • Benefit from members-only offers, including discounts on Professional Development seminars, conferences and events.
  • Have opportunities to participate in leadership and awards programs.

PRSA’S 14 Professional Interest Sections offer:

  • In-depth issues and trends on best practices within your specialized practice area.
  • Dynamic forums and section-generated publications dedicated to increasing professional effectiveness.
  • Leadership opportunities to help direct Section programming and generate awareness within your area of expertise.

With PRSA Chapter membership, you will:

  • Become a visibly-engaged member of your local public relations community while expanding your circle of colleagues and contacts.
  • Attend local seminars, meetings, luncheon, receptions and programs.
  • Step into leadership roles and advocate for the public relations profession.
  • Learn about business development and job opportunities in your local community.

PRSA is a community you can count on at any level of your career.

Join PRSA-CNY Today!


PRSA National Membership: $255 + $65 initiation fee

Central New York Chapter Membership: $50

Total Investment: $370

Special pricing is available for associate members and graduate students. You must be a member of PRSA National in order to join a local chapter. All applications are processed by PRSA National.

Join PRSA or Renew Your PRSA Membership

Are you a PRSA member looking to join the CNY Chapter?

Simply send an email to to join the chapter or change your chapter affiliation.

© 2024 Public Relations Society of America, Central New York Chapter

All Rights Reserved