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HomePRSAxNE '24 Schedule

2024 PRSA Northeast District Conference

Conference Schedule

Conference attendees will not need to choose their breakout session as part of registration. You are free to attend any session you wish to choose.

 7:30-8 a.m. Registration Begins
Networking Breakfast
 8-8:15 a.m. Welcome and Introductions
Amy Cronin, APR and Alice Maggiore (Conference Co-Chairs)
Melissa Richards, APR (Central New York President)
 8:15-9:30 a.m. Keynote Address: Small Station, Big Impact
David Sommerstein (North Country Public Radio)
 9:30-9:45 a.m. Break
 9:45-10:45 a.m. Breakout Sessions #1 (see descriptions below)
 10:45-11 a.m. Break
 11 a.m.-Noon Breakout Sessions #2 (see descriptions below)
 Noon-1:15 p.m.  Lunch and Keynote Speaker
Linda Thomas Brooks
Chief Executive Officer, Public Relations Society of America
 1:15-1:30 p.m. Break
 1:30-2:30 p.m. Breakout Sessions #3 (see descriptions below)
 2:30-2:45 p.m. Break
 2:45-3:45 p.m. Breakout Sessions #4 (see descriptions below)
 3:45-4 p.m. Closing Remarks and Conference Conclusion

Breakout Sessions #1


Session A | Daily News: Securing Regular News Coverage & Building Media Relationships

Today’s media cycle is more cluttered, competitive and fast-moving than ever. How can you get your stories to stand out to get the attention of the reporters you’re seeking? Syracuse University media relations professionals will dive into the art and science of building and maintaining strong media relationships. Session topics include the essential tools and techniques for media pitching, how to pitch effectively to journalists, and best practices to ensure your brand's story resonates. Learn how to cultivate lasting connections with journalists, navigate the ever-changing media landscape, and leverage data-driven insights to maximize your impact.

Presenters: Keith Kobland, Associate Director of Media Relations, Syracuse University; Daryl Lovell, Associate Director of Media Relations, Syracuse University

Themes: Earned media; media relations; strategy and storytelling


Session B | Data is Not Scary: Anyone Can Use Data to Inform Decisions

Many PR professionals are trained writers – not data scientists – and are fearful of quantitative data and statistics. But, we don’t need to be! Data can be fun and help us to do our jobs more effectively to produce optimal outcomes for our clients and organizations. This session will explore actionable tactics to apply when using data, and attendees will learn about techniques and tools to start using immediately and for free!

Presenters: Joseph Stabb, Ph.D., APR, Assistant Professor of Practice, University of Tennessee Knoxville School of Advertising and Public Relations

Themes: Content development, data

Session C | Navigating Employee Communications About Socio-Political Issues

As companies navigate pressing socio-political issues and increased polarization, the challenges of managing internal communications have become more complicated than ever. Employees are on the frontline when brands get caught in culture wars. And, when employees and employers disagree about important social issues, sometimes it’s the company’s reputation that takes a hit. This presentation utilizes research and case studies to provide best practice recommendations, exploring real-life current examples (good and bad) of how companies are managing employees through difficult socio-political challenges.

Presenter: Yvette Sterbenk, Associate Professor, Ithaca College Park School of Communications

Themes: DEI & belonging, internal communications, content development, leadership development, strategy & storytelling

Session D | Putting the Humanity Back in PR Practice: Building Mutually Beneficial Relationships With Key Stakeholders

In these days of AI, social media, performance metrics and more, it’s easy to forget that ultimately, it’s PR's responsibility to help our organizations build trusted, mutually-beneficial relationships with humans. Understanding the psychology behind why people behave the way they do is key to developing effective messaging and executing programs that drive specific behaviors and produce successful outcomes. Based on the work of the Institute for Public Relations (IPR) and its Behavioral Insights Research Group, this session features a variety of behavior-based models with practical case studies that can be applied to your own work


Presenters: Robin Schell, APR, Fellow PRSA; Senior Counsel and Partner, Jackson Jackson & Wagner, and President, PRSA Yankee Chapter; Stacey Smith, APR, Fellow PRSA, Senior Counsel & Partner, Jackson Jackson & Wagner

Themes: Stakeholder management; strategy & storytelling

Breakout Sessions #2


Session A | This Isn’t a Drill: AI in PR

Discover how generative AI is reshaping the communications profession with eye-opening usage data and real-world examples. This session explores AI’s impact on PR, from enhancing storytelling and content development to the critical role of prompt engineering. Learn how to future-proof your career by embracing AI-driven tools, training for ethical adoption, and evolving your expertise. Attendees will leave equipped with actionable insights to stay ahead of the curve, maximize their value, and thrive in the AI-powered PR landscape. Adapt now, or risk being left behind. 

Presenters: Anthony D'Angelo, APR, Fellow PRSA, Professor of Practice, Chair, Public Relations, and Director of Executive Education, Syracuse Newhouse School of Public Communications; Kelly Vann, Public Affairs & Communications Deputy, Lockheed Martin Rotary & Mission Systems

Themes: AI & data, content, strategy & storytelling

Session B | Embracing Digital Accessibility: A Strategic Advantage for Your Brand

Accessibility is no longer just a legal requirement—it's a strategic advantage that significantly enhances your brand. Embracing digital accessibility ensures your content is usable by everyone, including people living with disabilities. This presentation explores how integrating accessibility into digital strategy can drive innovation, foster inclusivity, broaden your audience and boost your brand's reputation. Learn practical steps for incorporating accessibility into your digital communications and discover the significant benefits this brings to your brand. You'll leave with actionable insights and tools to make your digital content more inclusive, effective, and aligned with the values of today's diverse consumer base.

Presenter: Matisse Hamel-Nelis, Principal, Matisse Nelis Consulting

Themes: DEI & belonging, content development, data, strategy & storytelling

Session C | Ethical & Impactful Storytelling for Good

Storytelling plays a critical role in helping people connect with and understand the complex issues your nonprofit organization or clients are addressing, but it also has the power to do harm if certain considerations aren’t put into play. From how to choose story subjects and amplify voices, to incorporating thoughtful language that humanizes and uplifts identities, to asset framing principles that address systemic social issues, and tips to secure earned media, this session will explore techniques to use to respectfully tell individuals’ stories while making the greatest possible impact for your cause.

Presenter: Katrina Crocker, Vice President of Communications, Central New York Community Foundation

Themes: DEI & belonging, earned media, strategy & storytelling

Session D | Take your Seat at the Table and Stop Being a Comms Short Order Cook

Most PR professionals have probably been treated like communications short-order cooks at some point during their career. Even though it may be easy to say yes to it all, offering up a press release with a side of fries doesn’t earn us a seat at the table. To earn that chair and stop being treated like order takers, we must be brilliant at our jobs and also be experts in the business of our organizations. The session shares the “secret sauce” of being strategic communicators – going beyond storytelling and focusing on business acumen.
Presenter: Michael Nachshen, President and Owner, Fortis Strategic Communications LLC

Themes: Leadership development, storytelling & strategy

Breakout Sessions #3


Session A |Can AI Make Our Marketing Campaigns More “Human?”

It may seem counter-intuitive, but new AI technologies really do have potential to make PR and marketing campaigns more human. Learn what it means to humanize your brand through a story of an out-of-the box, light-hearted, award-winning healthcare campaign that tested the AI waters cost-effectively and humorously! You’ll also take away ideas for how to extend your paid marketing campaign into PR and organic social media, and explore how a strong external campaign can boost internal employee engagement.

Presenters: Julie Sheedy, Chief Marketing & Engagement Officer, Loretto; Kevin Tripodi, Senior Vice President and Group Creative Director, Mower

Themes: Content development; AI & Data; marketing; storytelling & strategy

Session B | Disrupting the Narrative: How Gen Z is Reshaping The Field (Panel Discussion)

How can we empower the next generation of PR leaders? Crack the code on Gen Z, the most digitally savvy, ethically driven generation to enter the workforce. We will dive into Gen Z's unique attributes, exploring how their blend of digital fluency, racial and ethnic diversity, and high educational levels are poised to reshape PR. Then, we’ll hear from a panel of students and early career practitioners who will share their experiences transitioning from classroom to career, their expectations in a dynamic job market, and their vision for a future career built on social responsibility, ethics and technology.

Presenter and Moderator: Arien Rozelle, M.S., APR; Assistant Teaching Professor, Syracuse University Newhouse School of Public Communications

Panelists: Michaela Meleca, Digital Marketing & Communications Specialist, Rochester Institute of Technology; Mariana Godinez-Andraca, student, Syracuse University; Cara Steves, student, Syracuse University; Emma Harby, student, Syracuse University

Themes: DEI & belonging; strategy & storytelling;

Session C | The APR Process Demystified

Why should PR professionals pursue Accreditation in Public Relations (APR)? You likely already have a communications or related undergraduate degree, a masters degree and/or many years of professional experience to do what you do. This session explores high-level reasons to seek an APR, dispelling rumors and myths. In less than 60 minutes, you’ll understand the “why” and value an APR adds to your future, be introduced to key terms, and learn how to apply those to the process to boost knowledge of strategic area. Plus, you’ll realize how achieving the credential also helps you give back and mentor others.

Presenters: Kevin Kane, M.S., APR, Fellow PRSA, Corporate Communications Special Projects Manager, Excellus BlueCross BlueShield; Monica Lester, APR, Program Manager, Capital Region BOCES; Cristal Steuer, APR, Executive Director of Strategy & Placement, TVP Communications.

Theme: Leadership development

Session D | Prepping Your CEO for the Big Interview

What's the best way to prepare your CEO or C-suite for a high-profile, high-stakes interview? We’ve seen CEOs sit down with the media and blow big opportunities to set the record straight or promote their company's brand, and we’ve seen university presidents speak before Congress with disastrous results. So, how can you help them lock in key talking points? How can you work with your organization's attorneys to make sure legal and PR goals are being met? This session reviews best practices to prepare for that important time in the spotlight or under the microscope.

Presenter: Lisa Witkowski, APR; Director of Public and Government Affairs, Siena College

Themes: Media relations; media training; strategy & storytelling

Breakout Sessions #4


Session A | The Power of Podcasts: Building Trust and Sharing Stories

There's no better way to learn about a company or person than to hear their own story. Media trustworthiness may be low right now, but the trust people have in podcasts is at an all-time high. Leveraging podcast interviews allows listeners to hear the exact "why" behind a brand, learn about a leader's journey and get to know the people who work behind the scenes. Learn how podcasts should be the trusted medium for your clients and what it takes to craft speaking topics, media kits and the perfect pitch to the right shows.

Presenter: Michelle Glogovac, Podcast Publicist, Host & Author

Themes: Podcasts; strategy & storytelling

Session B | The Future of PR: Balancing AI Innovation with Integrity

Explore the intersection of AI and PR to master the delicate balance between AI's transformative power and the integrity that defines our profession. From content creation to campaign optimization, learn how to ethically integrate generative AI into daily practices. Discover how AI can enhance media pitches, streamline interview preparation, and spark innovative campaign ideas. Delve into storytelling techniques and next-gen content distribution strategies powered by AI. Uncover the potential of AI in personalizing media relations, adapting content for diverse audiences, and extracting actionable insights from analytics to apply practical strategies to elevate your PR game in the AI era.

Presenter: Brian Piper, Director of Content Strategy and Assessment, University of Rochester

Themes: AI & data; content development; media relations; strategy & storytelling

Session C | Institutional Statements: When and How to Weigh In

As communications leaders, we draft and deliver statements on behalf of our organizations related to a range of controversial topics. In today’s climate, this challenge is amplified by protests, public scrutiny, and heightened news coverage—drawing additional attention to the benefits and risks when institutions take public positions on world events. Decisions related to when and how to weigh in apply to all industries. This presentation blends an analysis of recent events and reactions to various organizations’ public statements with first-hand experience crafting and sharing statements for a global nonprofit and a higher education institution.

Presenter: Lisa Lance, Vice President of Marketing and Communications, Vermont Law and Graduate School

Themes: DEI & belonging; stakeholder management; strategy & storytelling

Session D | Fortune-Telling: The Skill You Never Knew You Needed as a PR Pro

Imagine walking into a meeting with a prophetic warning, "We see a storm on the horizon, but we have a spell to banish it." Predicting the future is no longer just a forte of fortune tellers, it’s the future of PR. This session challenges outdated crisis communications definitions and reveals a crystal ball - framework - to identify hidden patterns of crises, how they materialize, and the omens that foreshadow their arrival. Learn how to use data and analytics to abolish threats before they wreak havoc. In a digital realm ruled by algorithms and insights, fortune-telling is not sorcery—it’s PR magic. 

Presenter: Michelle Johnson APR, CEO, MXEM1NC Media Training and Consulting

Themes: Crisis communications; data; strategy & storytelling



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